The course assumes a mathematical background equivalent to Danish high school level A and assume familiarity with the following topics:
We want to ensure that you are well-prepared for the course and have a strong foundation in specific mathematical concepts. It is crucial that you have a good understanding of these before the semester begins, as the course will build upon these foundations from the very first week. We strongly discourage that you to refresh these topics once the semester has started. Taking the time to review your understanding before the semester begins will be of great help during the semester. Do not hesitate to ask if there are topics that you find difficult and need help with.
We have made a set of exercises designed to help you refresh your mathematical skills. On the front page of the course on LearnIT, you can access the exercises in the "Book of Grasples" under the chapter titled "Prerequisite Exercises and Challenges." By working through these exercises, you can refresh your understanding of relevant mathematical from high school (level A).
Notice you may also find other material in the Book of Grasples which will be relevant later in the course. Do not attempt to solve these yet.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you. To help us gauge your familiarity with the prerequisite topics, please use the "Prerequisite Feedback" section on the front page of the LearnIT page. Specify which topics you have not encountered before.
We highly recommend that you attempt to solve the exercises in the "Material challenge" in " Book of Grasples" after completing the other refresh material. This challenge serves as a challenge of your refreshed mathematical material.
We hope these exercises will be valuable for refreshing relevant material needed in the course. Happy learning!
Grasple will also be used in the course for both exercises and in-class exercises.